Friday, September 24, 2004

We'll see...

Well i have thought about doing this for a while and since i can't seem to post a comment on my mom's blog until i have one of my own, here goes. I do enjoy writing and pretty much totally stopped journaling two years ago. I find it very dificult these days to sit down with a pen and paper and write. My thinking seems to work better on a keybord then on paper. Man, i never thought i'd see the day. I also find that when you are generally happy, there is a lot less to write about then when your not. Oh, then there is the busy factor....I get so busy sometimes i forget to check in with myself and find out if i am happy or not. At these times, I lose my generally anal sence of anyway, we'll see.


At 10:02 AM, Blogger Ruth said...

Wow, I didn't expect to have a longer comment than what I wrote, but I should have known based on who I sent it to....

I don't think that it is bad to rely on the computer for writing. It is evolution. At times, I think I write more with a computer than without. Remember how much we were writing when I was in Europe? That was the closest I have ever felt to you. If we were relying on snail mail, there wouldn't have been the correspondence.

Humm, one problem with this blog thing seems to be, I can't scroll down and see your comment and I can't seem to remember all the things I wanted to comment on. I will have to find a way to work through that one.

It is good having a person to mirror. I feel that way with you in a lot of ways and it helps me not feel so alone. The areas that I feel we are very similar are the way that we think (maybe how analytical it is)? Also, how much we think. Not necessarily about world events but about ourselves, our own actions, others actions and how everything is effecting everything else. When I want to be really introspective, often I like to do with you. It helps that I can trust you and you are always there. Thanks.

I have had that with Rebekah at times too, primarily in college. It helps to know how someone with a similar genetic make up handled a situation. Not that I couldn't chose to handle it different.

Another thing, there is no spell check in the comments screen of the blog. Humm. That is one thing that kept me out of this in the first place. I don’t like the idea of my grammatical errors being posted in a place of people to view permanently.

Anyway, off to work. I love you too.

At 7:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say that I feel like an intruder reading these posts.
don't worry about your spelling either people reading this know what you mean already and aren't worried with your spelling.- Melissa


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